Friday, December 7, 2012

Prancing Reindeer Christmas Card

The second Christmas card I had printed was created in 1992.  It is a one color reindeer design, executed in a flat graphic style and printed on ivory card stock.  The dark green reindeer is in profile, soaring through the air (as reindeer do); with a festive double ribbon trailing in the breeze behind him.  I wanted the look of a second color, so I created a half-tone using the same dark green and some dashed lines, forming a background scroll pattern.  The design is framed nicely with a double rule border (the exterior rule thick, the interior rule thin) in which the antler and back hooves of the reindeer break the frame, creating a limited feeling of depth.  A sense of depth is also implied by placing one of the two streaming ribbons in front of the scroll background and the other ribbon appearing to unfurl in the breeze behind the background. 

In addition to the card, I also had a rubber stamp created using the exact design.    

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