Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chick-Fil-A...Hating in the Name of God

Well, I really tried not to get political on this blog.  My original goal was to keep the posts strictly creative, but these days, there seems to be a lot that is raising my ire.  I suppose much of this comes from the fact that it is a Presidential election year, which naturally brings out the divisiveness in this country.  Also, the recent admission from President and Mrs. Obama that they support gay marriage has sent the haters and hard-core religious extremists into holy seizures.
The fact that the Chick-Fil-A “buycott” was so successful this past Wednesday was, as one gay Chick-Fil-A employee put it, “very depressing”.  I felt the need to vent and create a new header for my facebook page and thought I would share it here on my blog. 

To me, this piece shows just how hurtful and cruel it is to deny anyone the simple right to marry the person they love.  It should not be a privilege that most of the population can take part in, it’s a right.  It was wrong when African Americans could not marry each other and it was wrong when African Americans could not marry outside of their race.  It is wrong to deny this right to gays and lesbians, and the President said so. 

The black and white images are shocking and certainly bring up many terrible memories of how minorities have been treated in this country.  The images of people lined up outside Chick-Fil-A restaurants the day of the buycott is just as painful as the other images.  In my opinion, they should have been wearing white hoods and burning crosses in the parking lots.  The obvious display of hate this week by these Christians is both sickening and disgusting.  I was actually ashamed to be American.  It was shocking to see just how many people in this country hate gays and lesbians.  To be willing to wait in line for hours, baking in the scorching Summer heat, really drove home the message that many Americans honestly, truly and sincerely hate gay people.   

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